Have you often felt the presence of kind and protective spirits at your side? Have you noticed unexplained promptings during challenging and joyous times in your life? Your spirit guides -angels and ascended masters – are very much part of your journey in this life. Connecting with them can improve your overall sense of peace, clear blocks you have faced in your personal development and better understand your purpose. This retreat will offer confirmations on your past interactions with your angels, introduce concepts about spirit guides and ascended masters, offer reflective time to listen and connect and teach you the skills needed to keep open communication with the spirit world that guides you every day.

Highlights of the Weekend:

  • Introduction and in-depth review of Archangels, Ascended Masters and The Hierarchy of Light
  • How to identify which Archangels and/or Ascended Masters are working with you
  • Steps to connect and communicate with your spiritual guides on your own
  • Carefully planned meditations to aid your preparation for direct connection
  • Guided hikes to area waterfalls and private lake for powerful morning meditations
  • Personal readings with multi-channeled messages from your spiritual team to you
  • Free time to explore the grounds or schedule additional spa treatments
  • Morning and evening yoga classes
  • Organic vegetarian meals grown and prepared on site
  • Afternoon Chai tea and organic snacks
  • Special fire pit ceremony that will assign and infuse you with the energies of your Angels and Masters to continue this important connection after the retreat

Who Leads this Program?

Lisa Alexander is a Quantum Metaphysician, Angel Intuitive, Meditation Trainer, and Healer. Lisa will bring years of study and practice into the activities of the retreat, which has been specifically planned at the Himalayan Institute to be against the backdrop of a beautiful, natural setting ideal for tuning out our daily world and welcoming conversation with the spiritual realm.


This comprehensive workshop will include a workbook for your home reference, a beautiful portrait of your archangel and/or ascended master, and a gift bag of goodies. The cost for the training is $444 payable at the time of registration.