Crisp air swirls. Our planet & lives undergo a definite shift. Autumn’s shortening days are a time for reflection, a time to nourish our inner energy reserves and prepare for the still, dark, time ahead. Winter’s arrival beckons starkly. She directs us to dive within, to tend to and look toward our inner hearth-fires.
But modern society neglects these sacred rhythms. Leading to autumnal agitation and wintry depletion. Many skid annually into the New Year truly exhausted.
Let this year be different! Ebbing Toward Winter is a yoga retreat that invites you to commit to 3 days & nights of self care, where you’ll remember that who you are is deliciously tied to the cycles of this great earth and her seasons!
Evening yoga practice will be a juicy, restorative yoga oasis, offered by Juliana Mitchell. Morning practice will be a zesty, revitalizing Vinyasa Yoga experience, offered by Victoria Greene. Both the morning and evening practice will be lush with breath awareness—setting the inner stage for you to experience the autumn-into-winter journey as a powerful time of healing and self discovery.