Stress can be so pervasive that it begins to impact every area of our life. In addition to well-publicized negative health consequences, stress can suck the joy from our relationships and the fulfillment we experience from our work life, and affect our ability to relax, sleep, and even enjoy vacation.
We all want to make positive changes, improve ourselves, and grow as individuals. To be effective on our journey through life, it is imperative that we understand the root causes of stress. When we investigate the sources of stress, we can begin to see the many ways it has permeated our lives, and diverted us from the path we want to be on. When we learn to implement healthy alternatives to habitual stress response, we can finally go beyond our coping mechanisms and fears—and find ourselves on the path to lasting change.
This weekend retreat will help you find that ‘new’ normal, so you can change your life. Find your truth again—learn to listen to your inner guide and intuitive wisdom with ample practice time, a relaxed environment in a supportive community, and contemplative time in nature. With a focus on time-tested skills and philosophies that will train you to know and understand yourself, you will be more prepared to face the world outside. Empower yourself with the skills to make necessary adjustments to your routine—reduce your stress and find more fulfillment and joy in your life.
I cannot speak highly enough of the retreat. As you may recall, I was so wound up on Friday night that I couldn’t get over the lack of locks on the rooms–and was so relaxed by Sunday that I wouldn’t even have cared if someone broke into my room (which they didn’t). It may sound corny, but this retreat had a big impact on me—I feel an internal shift and a stronger sense of self. I also realize that this path involves intention and hard work, but as far as hard work, I embrace that fully and see it as promising and hopeful—something tangible to help me move forward. But, what I really want to tell (and I’m sure you have heard this before) is that I can see that you truly love what you do—and it shows. I would describe your teaching style as patient, humble, genuine, and skilled. So, please know that your work is appreciated.
Life changing experience. I never thought I could enjoy soooo much. I am a very rational and pragmatic guy and Luke changed the way I see the world. FANTASTIC.