In this Study and Practice Intensive, we’ll discover the tools to restore and rejuvenate the internal ecology of our body, mind, and heart—a step necessary for our soul to conquer deep-rooted afflictions and become fully connected to its source. In this program, we’ll further refine and elaborate the practices described in Yoga Sutra 2:52–55. In this context, we’ll explore important marma sthanas, the pranic centers in our body, and, using the unique techniques of pranayama and dharana, we’ll be able to unleash the pranic forces and lead them to the lotus of the heart.
Pranayama and meditative techniques taught in this program come directly from the samaya school of Sri Vidya tantra, and form the foundation for the samaya version of Rudra Yaga, the practice that embodies the secret of sacred fire and prana shakti. This intensive will allow you to discover that every yogic practice has its tantric counterpart, and each such practice unveils the extraordinary power of prana, mind, mantra, and divine entities. Experiences arising from such practices add to our excellence.
Supporting materials for this program will be derived from Yoga Sutra 1:36, 3:31–35, 4:18, 4:20–22, and 4:25; Shiva Sutra 1:6, 1:15, 1:22, 3:6–7, 3:22, and 3:43–44; and the Lotus Sutra (Saddharma Pundarika Sutra), especially the dialogue between Buddha and Sariputra regarding meditation on the lotus of the heart. Practical application of these sutras has been purposefully shrouded in mystery. In this intensive, Pandit Tigunait will lift this mystery, only because we all believe in life’s higher purpose and because we believe in the intermingled nature of our personal enlightenment and the enlightenment of collective consciousness.
As preparation for this intensive, please review The Secret of the Yoga Sutra, The Practice of the Yoga Sutra, or Practice of the Yoga Sutra Master Course: USB Audio, and most importantly, practice and pay attention to the finer points of samikarana pranayama practice that we studied during the Practice of the Yoga Sutra Master Course in May.