Join our Shiatsu Summit,
Feel the powerful presence of Shiatsu in the community!
Join us and Earn 15 CEUs
Rebuilding communal resonance

After a pandemic full of international Zoom gatherings, it is time for us to unite/reunite in-person to exchange, retrain, refresh, and empower ourselves. People need shiatsu more than ever. Many of us have been working separately and alone. Let’s gather to weave a network of interconnectedness, to magnetize and amplify our love of shiatsu, and support and inspire each other to grow and evolve. During our weekend together, we will eat, breathe, learn, and practice shiatsu together! We are gathering in Pennsylvania to Build Our USA Shiatsu Community Resonance.

From Tradition to Innovation

Where have we come from, and where are we headed? We are coming together to explore the evolution of shiatsu from tradition to innovation, honoring our lineage, our core essential values, and our unique paths that lead us to this summit. We can celebrate and learn from our differences. We will build a more vibrant shiatsu community. We all know that shiatsu works and that we love it! Let’s unify our voices and use our freedom, creativity, and inspiration to spread shiatsu into this challenging world. After our time together, we will return to our individual worlds, knowing we are part of a loving, peaceful, and sharing community. We will have developed a network of support, resources, friends, and more connected colleagues.

  • Tuition: $295
  • $245 if paid one month in advance
  • $195 deposit due by December 30th, 2023.
  • Open to everyone!