Meditation, the essence of yoga, leads to deep and restful states of being. This weekend seminar is meant to explore the variety of dimensions of meditation—from body, to breathing, to mind. At the level of the physical self, it will help you find a quiet stillness. At the level of the breath, it will lead to an uncoupling from the tensions and negativity of daily life. At the level of mind, it will help you learn to rest in a quiet center of being. This weekend is meant to help students whose meditation practice is in its beginning stages, or developing but not yet fully formed. More experienced students are welcome to come to reinforce their current practice.
This program has passed
This program has passed
Rolf Sovik, PsyD
Senior Teacher of the Himalayan Institute, Rolf Sovik, PsyD, began his study of yoga and meditation in 1972. He is a student of H.H. Swami Rama and Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, and under their guidance has ...