It’s no secret that yoga is cathartic. But have you ever wondered why? Or how to bring these mindfulness practices off your mat and into your life? Using the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience, therapy, and yoga, in this retreat you will learn the tools to break out of negative thought loops and anxiety. Using the physical practice of power yoga, you will release stuck emotions and use this new space as a platform to re-examine your thoughts and beliefs.
catharsis [kuh-thahr-sis]: the purging of the emotions or relieving of emotional tensions, especially through certain kinds of art… [such as yoga]
When the body is tired and the mind is clear, you are primed for change. In ancient times, the physical practice of yoga was created to prepare the body and mind for meditation. Now we will use the practice to shed limiting beliefs and put an end to cycles of self-sabotage. Yoga will clear the slate, allowing transformation to take place at a more rapid rate than regular therapy settings.
In this immersive, yoga therapy experience you will be provided with the opportunity to complete your past, forgive others and yourself, and finally, get UNSTUCK. You may have participated in yoga retreats, therapy, or self-help programs in the past, but this retreat is like no other experience. Amanda combines the best of yoga, mindfulness, therapy, and personal development to create an unparalleled and truly unique experience.
Get ready to redefine what’s possible for yourself and create the life you have always wanted!
Who is this retreat for?
This retreat is designed for women experiencing mild to moderate mental health issues. Specifically this retreat will focus on addressing anxiety, depression, and/or addictive patterns of behavior (substance use, eating disorders, codependency, or other process addictions). We will specifically focus on negative and addictive cycles of behavior that keep us trapped in negative thoughts loops and behavior patterns.
You do not need a mental health diagnosis or have experience with substance use disorders in order to participate. We will be focused on the mental health symptoms and addictive patterns that human beings fall into.
You do not need to be an experienced yogi to participate. Yoga experience is recommended but not required. However, it is important to note that you will be physically active twice daily throughout the retreat. Therefore, it is important to consult with a doctor to make sure you are medically able to engage in physical aerobic activity.
The retreat is limited to 15 individuals in order to create an intimate, group therapy setting.
What does the retreat include?
- Twice daily yoga sessions (one power, one restorative) led by Amanda and other experienced yoga teachers
- Workshop: Your Brain on Yoga (This workshop will give you an overview of the neuroscience of yoga and how your brain is affected by physical exercise, yoga, and mindfulness. It will include the latest research in neuroscience and ancient yoga methodology.)
- Workshop: Out of Your Head and Into Your Body (In this workshop you will learn basic alignment principles of yoga, how to find the most suitable alignment for your body, and and how to use different yoga poses to release emotions and find balance.)
- Daily meditation, mindfulness exercises, and self-inquiry
- Intensive: Break Free from your Past (In this 4-5 hour intensive, participants will learn how their stories and negative beliefs are keeping them stuck and replaying into their future. Participants will learn how to identify and dismantle these beliefs to pave the way for a new future.)
- Intensive: Design Your Future (Stepping outside of your past limitations, you will have the opportunity to hone in on your desires and create the future you want through exercises that encourage you to unlock your full self-expression.)