This course is Part 1 of the 3-Part Self-Mastery Series with Panditji and Ishan Tigunait. Take all parts together for the full Self-Mastery experience.
Program Details:
- Dates: April 27th to July 12th 2022
- April 27, 2022 to May 1, 2022
- Long-week intensive format
- See tentative sample schedule below
- May 2, 2022 to July 12th 2022
- Progressive format over a 12-week period
- Four 75-minute online sessions (one every 3 weeks) following the long-weekend intensive to assimilate the practices shared in the intensive
- Tentatively scheduled for 7-8:15pm US Eastern on May 17, June 7, June 28, and July 12th 2022.
- Sessions may include lecture, Q&A, and guided practice
- April 27, 2022 to May 1, 2022
- Format: Online
- In-Person option for the long-weekend intensive; limited availability
- Contact Hours: 24
This program, led by Panditji and Ishan Tigunait, and supported by HI Faculty, is practice-oriented, with a mix of lecture, practicums and guided practices. In-person participants will have opportunities for personal and group practice in the Sri Vidya Shrine and Adi Pitham.
It is recommended that participants have a current yoga practice, and familiarity with pranayama, and recommit to a regular yoga practice for at least a month prior to this course. Preparatory on-demand online classes and practice resources will be shared with participants.
Program Topics & Practices:
- Exploring abhyasa and sthiti (YS 1:2, 1:3, 1:12, 1:13) and their relationship to pranic awareness, in context to Vishoka Meditation.
- Infusing our asana practice with the power of pranic awareness
- In-depth study of Yoga Sutra 2:46-48 in light of the abhyasa/sthiti, and applying it to the practice of asana and Vishoka Meditation
- Experience and apply pranic flow of awareness to your asana, and explore the unique qualities of the pranic flow associated with inhalation and exhalation
- Follow the pranic thread from point to point in asana to expand your awareness of inner space, and refine pranic awareness.
- In-depth exploration of prayatna shaithilya (effortlessness) and ananta-samapatti (absorption in the Infinite) (YS 2:47) in theory and practice, in context to asana and their relationship to Vishoka Meditation and pranic absorption.
- Explore the manipura chakra as the pranic hub of the body, its role in pranic concentration, and its relationship to the ajna chakra and Vishoka Meditation.
- Work with different expressions of agni sara, integrated with ashwini mudra and mula bandha, to experience pranic concentration at the manipura chakra.
- Exploring pranic absorption (prana sampatti) as a continuum of experience from pranic sensitivity to pranic awareness to pranic collection to pranic concentration.
- In-depth study of Yoga Sutra 2:49-2:55, and their role in revealing the continuum of experience known as pranic absorption, and their application to Vishoka Meditation.
- Exploring pranic sensitivity (prana anusandhana), pranic awareness (prana samvedana) and pranic collection (prana sanchaya) through several classical pranayamas and asana/pranayama fusion practices.
- Cultivating breath awareness and pranic sensitivity at soft palate, and its role in pranic awareness at the ajna chakra.
- Understanding pranic containment through kumbhaka pranayama and its role in pranic absorption and the Vishoka Meditation system—preparations and foundational practice of kumbhaka pranayama.
- Deepening the experience of flow of awareness through inner space through prayatna shaithilya, ananta samapatti, and pranic absorption.
- Understanding YS 2:47 in context to savasana-based pranic awareness practices and Vishoka Meditation
- Understanding the relationship between pranayama, pratyahara and savasana-based pranic practices.
- Refinements to the flow of awareness and the 75-breath practices in light of pranic absorption and YS 2:47
- Application of YS 2:47 and Vishoka Meditation to enrich relaxation and yoga nidra techniques
- Refining your experience of the complete practice of Vishoka Meditation:
- In light of pranic absorption and YS 2:47, 2:51-55
- By incorporating the asana and pranayama techniques taught in this Series into your Vishoka Meditation practice sequence
- As a preparation and bridge from Vishoka Meditation Level 1 to Level 2.
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