This course is Part 3 of the 3-Part Self-Mastery Series with Panditji and Ishan Tigunait. Take all parts together for the full Self-Mastery experience.
Note: Parts 1 and 2 of the Self-Mastery Series are required prerequisites for the 3rd part.
Program Details:
- Dates: October 11th to November 15th, every Tuesday, 7-8:30pm US Eastern (6 sessions total)
- Format: Online (weekly progressive format); combination of lecture, Q&A, and practice with weekly practice assignment and readings
- Contact Hours: 9
Program Features:
- Fully assimilate the practices and wisdom from Part 1 and Part 2 through systematic, time-bound practice, and prepare yourself for Vishoka Meditation Level 2.
- The intensity and specific focus of your 40-day practice can be customized based on personal capacity and your needs.
- The 40-day practice intentionally sequences and integrates Vishoka Meditation with the pranic awareness practices and self-reflection techniques we covered in Part 1 and 2 of this Series.
- During each weekly session we’ll focus on a different aspect of pranic awareness and self-reflection, in context to Vishoka Meditation, which ties into that week’s homework assignment.
- You’ll receive a daily practice assignment incorporating asana, pranayama, relaxation and Vishoka Meditation for that week that progressively builds towards a richer experience. This will be enhanced by weekly self-reflection exercises that could include contemplation, journaling, or lifestyle experiments.
- The weekly session on Tuesday night will be a combination of a brief lecture, live Q&A and dialogue about your experiences from the previous week’s practice, and a guided practice session.
- The goal of the 40-day practice is to systematically deepen your experience of Vishoka Meditation, enrich your self-identity with vishoka, and infuse your life with this experience.
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