Yoga has time-tested practices and a philosophy that allow us to stay balanced in the midst of crises, whether personal or collective, short term or long, and especially when the world seems immersed in disaster, violence, and strife, with our minds confused, disturbed and overwhelmed. Yoga philosophy and practice teach and inspire us to turn inward to a more real and peaceful place.

To retreat doesn’t mean running away, but rather taking time to remind us of the deeper truths that guide our life. We can reset and return to that which is ever-lasting and peaceful.

Then we can go back out into the world with greater clarity, a deeper sense of love, and more compassion for ourselves and others. Our minds can be clearer, our hearts stronger, our voices heard. This is the Grace we are born with, that never leaves us, that is the underlying support for life itself, that is life. Tap into this and reclaim the beauty of life.

Photo credit: Pia Luomakortes (Ishvara on the island of Öland)

In this weekend retreat we will focus on these practices and the philosophy on which they are based.


to find stability,
to learn to release accumulated tension,
to reclaim the infinite space inherent within
to loosen the grip of suffering caused by the pull of the pairs of opposites

Pranayama and Breath Practices

To sensitize ourselves to prana
To immerse ourselves in its incessant flow
To be nourished by this ever-present flow of grace
To bring the scattered mind home


To nourish the mind deeply in its home base, the subtle body
To gain clarity
To release confusion, doubt and fear
To regain a relationship to the internal and abiding grace that is our life force, our guiding spirit, the mind’s dearest friend

These systematic yogic practices can re-establish us in the fountain of inner grace that nourishes our lives with peace and joy. Join Shari Friedrichsen for a weekend of turning inward and leave with the knowledge and tools to continue deepening your relationship to inner light and joy. And then be that in the world.

Practical Information

Fees: In principle this retreat is residential; if you prefer to attend as a non-resident, please be aware that morning sessions start at 6:15 a.m. and evening sessions finish about 9 p.m.
Resident fee: €275 (tuition, accommodation and all meals)
Non-resident fee: €245 (tuition and all meals)
Payment schedule:

  • To book your place, please make a deposit of €100 by 10 February 2023
  • Balance of €175 or €145 due by 10 March 2023
  • Make payment to account BE67 3770 9911 9687, (BIC: BBRUBEBB), Claire Smith

Registration: [email protected]
Meals: Meals are vegetarian; dietary preferences such as gluten-free or lactose-free can be accommodated, if you let us know in advance.
Accommodation: All rooms have two single beds, and we plan on single occupancy by default, but room sharing is possible on a voluntary basis in case of high demand. Sheets and towels are provided.
Access: The Maison de Notre-Dame du Chant d’Oiseau is in walking distance (~ 1 km) from either the Hankar metro station or the tram stop Jules César on tramline 39. Bus 36 also comes to Chant d’Oiseau from Schuman. If you come by car, you can park at the left behind the church.

Any Questions? Contact our HI team Brussels: [email protected]
Claire Smith: +32 (0)486 90 52 53
Ursula Paulini: +32 (0)477 50 58 16
Pia Luomakortes: +32 (0)476 549 312