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The Secret of the Yoga Sutra: Samadhi Pada

4-Part Master Course

with Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD

We all want to experience fulfillment in life, and we hope that our yoga practice will lead us there. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra is the source wisdom and root of the yoga tradition. We invite you to let it empower you, expand your vision, and breathe new life into your practice through its systematic approach. The Secret of the Yoga Sutra is intended to link you directly to Patanjali’s intention and experience so that you can have this experience for yourself. This course is divided in to each of the four segments includes approximately eight hours of content, accompanied by a downloadable Guidebook and Lecture Notes.

Part 1—Mastering the Mind

Secret-of-YS-Master-Course-1-lead_756_425_int_c1The Yoga Sutra is as timeless as human nature and outlines the path to self-conquest and freedom. See how the mind works, and how to overcome obstacles and unlock the inherent power of your mind.

Part 2—Reversing the Wheel of Karma

Secret-of-YS-Master-Course-2-leadMastering the mind, the goal of the Yoga Sutra, requires an understanding of the wheel of karma. Listen as Pandit Tigunait explains with great clarity how karma works in our minds and lives, how it can be reversed, the dynamics of our birth, and our relationship with the Divine. Learn how we create the karmic building blocks of our lives and how we can use the law of karma skillfully and wisely to guide and inspire our practice, modify our destiny, and create a future of our choice.

Part 3—Discovering Your Luminous Joy

Secret-of-YS-Master-Course-3-lead (1)In Discovering Our Luminous Joy, a practice-oriented seminar, Pandit Tigunait unveils the core of the entire Yoga Sutra. Join him as he explains step-by-step the specific contemplative, pranayama, and meditative techniques that lead us to our ultimate goal, and then follow him through guided practice. Discover what is meant by “the lotus of the heart,” how we can access it, and how, by meditating there, we become established in inner luminosity and limitless joy.

Part 4—Samadhi: Freedom Here and Now

Secret-of-YS-Master-Course-4-leadAccording to the Yoga Sutra, samadhi is not only the highest state of consciousness, but also the process of attaining it. In Samadhi: Freedom Here and Now, Pandit Tigunait charts an amazing journey that brings us growing freedom and inner illumination. Learn how we progress through the stages of lower samadhi as we deepen and refine our practice, what hurdles we may encounter, and what awaits us as we transition from lower samadhi to the summit—higher samadhi—a state of complete freedom and ultimate fulfillment.

Free Bonus: Prep School and Study Groups

prep-school-and-study-groups_756_425_int_c1The Secret of the Yoga Sutra Prep School is our online study guide to help you connect with the spirit of the yoga tradition and engage with reading the book, so that you can get the most out of the Master Course lecture series. Presented by senior faculty of the Himalayan Institute, the Prep School progressively highlights key concepts leading up to the Yoga Sutra Master Course.

About the Presenter

prt_376_376Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD, is a modern-day master and living link to the unbroken Himalayan Tradition. He is the spiritual head of the Himalayan Institute and the author of 15 books. Over the past 35 years, Pandit Tigunait has touched innumerable lives as a teacher, humanitarian, and visionary spiritual leader.

The Secret of the Yoga Sutra


The Secret of the Yoga Sutra is a commentary every practitioner of yoga will cherish. Sharing insights revealed over a lifetime of practice, Pandit Tigunait has redefined the way the Yoga Sutra is studied today. The Yoga Sutra is a guide to accomplishing the purpose of life—finding eternal fulfillment and ultimate freedom. Order book only here.

Course Bundle: $449

Proceeds from this course contribute to our non-profit mission of yoga education and our global humanitarian initiatives