Meditation on the Chakras

Discover the forces of divinity within your own subtle body

Chakras, the centers of subtle energy along the spinal column, play a dynamic role in the practice of meditation. They govern regions of human anatomy, sectioning the body into distinct organ systems and anatomical functions. They embody themes of human spiritual development, ranging from primitive human drives to trustful surrender to God. They symbolize various forces of divinity, manifesting in mantric sounds and yantric geometrics. And they act as reference points in meditation practice—centers of concentration and purification. Cultivating sensitivity to these energy centers enables you to explore new dimensions of inner life.

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About the Teacher

Rolf Sovik, PsyD

Senior Teacher of the Himalayan Institute, Rolf Sovik, PsyD, began his study of yoga and meditation in 1972. He is a student of H.H. Swami Rama and Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, and under their guidance has explored the teachings of the Himalayan tradition. He holds degrees in philosophy, music, Eastern Studies, and Clinical Psychology. He is currently...

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