Wisdom of the Yoga Sutra: Mastering Your Yoga Practice

In Wisdom of the Yoga Sutra: mastering Your Yoga Practice, Pandit Tigunait elaborates on Patanjali’s succinct and straightforward plan to transcend pain and embrace lasting happiness. The wisdom of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra is as fresh today as it was 2,000 years ago. The goal of the Yoga Sutra is precise and powerful: overcome pain and sorrow, become fearless, re-infuse your body and mind with vibrancy, and take charge of your destiny.

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About the Teacher

Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD

Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD, is a modern-day master and living link in the unbroken Himalayan Tradition. He is the successor to Sri Swami Rama of the Himalayas, and the spiritual head of the Himalayan Institute. As the author of numerous books, including his autobiography Touched by Fire: The Ongoing Journey of a Spiritual Seeker, Pandit Tigunait...

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