To wrap up our Secret of the Yoga Sutra Book Club, Ishan Tigunait answers questions submitted by listeners as we moved through the sutras. How do we practice non-attachment and meditation to grow, expand, and feel embraced by higher reality? How did we lose our awareness of higher reality in the first place? From practical advice to philosophical insights, Ishan’s answers to seekers’ questions will guide you and inspire you to bring the Yoga Sutra into your daily life.

For key terms and self-study questions, download the PDF Study Guide.

Further Reading

The Secret of the Yoga Sutra: Samadhi Pada


The Secret of the Yoga Sutra is the first practitioner-oriented commentary of the Yoga Sutra which is fully grounded in a living tradition. It shares the essence of Pandit Tigunait’s rigorous scholarly understanding of the Yoga Sutra, through the filter of experiential knowledge gained through decades of advanced yogic practices, and enriched by the gift of living wisdom he received from the masters of the Himalayan Tradition.

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Secret of the Yoga Sutra Book Club