Karma Yoga: Skillfulness in Action


What is karma yoga? How does it relate to “doing the right thing”? In this 5-part video series, Sandra Anderson explains how karma and our actions are uniquely related. Skillful actions can shape us and the world around us positively when we learn to let go of the fruits of our actions. By cultivating skillfulness in action in daily life, we can build a foundation for inner strength, compassion, and clarity of mind.

Drawing on practical wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Sutra, Sandra highlights how our own intelligence can lead us to fulfillment by guiding us to perform our actions with skill and grace. Then we can live a life free from anxiety and fear—and rich in contentment and equanimity.

5-Part Series

What Is Karma Yoga?

Karma yoga is the spiritual path of increasing the skillfulness of our actions in life. This entails increasing our ability to do the right thing in any given situation, and learning how to not be...

Doing the Right Thing

The Bhagavad Gita states that “yoga is skillfulness in action.” A necessary component of skillful action is our awareness of dharma, the lawfulness that underlies and upholds the universe. In every situation we should try...

Letting Go of the Fruits

Can we really let go of the consequences of our actions? Could that be the key to a positive, more present life? Sandra Anderson explains how the concept of equanimity in yoga toward the good...

Finding Equanimity

The essence of skillful actions comes from key concepts found in the Yoga Sutra. Contentment and equanimity help us to discover the power of self-reflection. From this idea the practice of karma yoga is not...

“Skillfulness” in Daily Life

Cultivating skillfulness in action in daily life can build a foundation for inner strength, compassion, and clarity of mind. According to the Yoga Sutra, four concepts provide the building blocks for this greater happiness. Sandra...