The Art of Joyful Living


For ages, living joyfully has been a central quest of humankind. According to the ancient masters, joy is a highly sought-after and unique treasure; it grows only in a peaceful climate. Human beings are the most significant creators and disruptors of peace.

People familiar with the anatomy of peace and its connection with joyful living tell us that peace is more than a gap between two conflicts. They also tell us that peace is not lifeless and passive—it is a vibrant, proactive way of conducting our thoughts, speech, and actions. Therefore, the art of joyful living entails learning the anatomy of peace.

Living joyfully requires that we understand the art of giving and sharing the best of ourselves with our loved ones. It entails that we allot a loving and respectful space in our heart for those who appear to be different from us. Ultimately, it entails cultivating a mind that can distinguish life’s most precious objectives from trivial concerns. How to do this is exactly what you will learn in this satsanga series.

8-Part Series


82 min
Quieting the Noisy Mind

In this satsang, Pandit Tigunait shares time-tested, effective tools for eradicating the most potent cause of our inner unrest—the trick the mind uses for justifying its fight with itself—and guides us to recognize a single...


72 min
Conquering Without a Fight

All of our outer conflicts begin with our own inner fight. How can we cleanse the impurities of our mind that create war within us? In this satsang, Pandit Tigunait explains how four specific virtues...


73 min
Reversing the Karmic Wheel

How can we recognize our negative samskaras and begin to reverse their grip on our mind? In this satsang, Pandit Tigunait relates the nature of samskaras (deeply rooted subtle tendencies) and shares yogic tools for...


75 min
Identifying the Toughest Hurdle

In the ongoing Art of Joyful Living satsang series, Pandit Tigunait sheds light on challenges we can face on the spiritual path. With lively and humorous personal anecdotes, Pandit Tigunait illuminates his own spiritual journey...