Spiritual Evolution in Kali Yuga: The Power of Practice, Prana, & Pilgrimage


The fact that we are deep in Kali Yuga has never been as evident as it is today. We are a society run by fear and doubt. Divisive forces are in full swing. Anger and violence dictate our behavior. However, what we do not realize is that the same Kali Yuga which is characterized by dark forces also offers a great opportunity, provided we are vigilant about our place and role in the world.

How can we transcend the darkness of Kali Yuga? How can we conquer the negative and destructive forces both within us and in the larger world? Investing our effort in practice, prana, and pilgrimage is key.

In this four-part series, Panditji gives us context about the forces that join (and divide) human civilization. He also guides us to the practices that will enable us to transform ourselves individually as well as begin to become a vehicle for integration and positive change more broadly—to become torchbearers for humanity.

4-Part Series

What Is Kali Yuga?

Yugas are distinct conjunctions in human culture and civilization that characterize the collective consciousness as well as our individual experience. Satya Yuga is the golden era of peacefulness, truth, and virtue. We’re now living in...


The Power of Prana in Kali Yuga

In Kali Yuga, our vitality, stamina, and clarity of mind have declined significantly. Even the nourishment and healing power of the air, water, herbs, and food we depend on are compromised. Our practice—asana, meditation, relaxation,...


The Power of Pilgrimage in Kali Yuga

Pilgrimage to sacred sites and shrines is important to all cultures and traditions. Why? Because over millennia, thousands of adepts and millions of faithful seekers undertook intense spiritual practice at these places, which became powerful...