Yamas and The Niyamas – Yoga’s Restrains and Observances


Often referred to as the ethical precepts of yoga, the yamas (restraints) and the niyamas (observances) described in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra are the foundation for the successful practice of yoga. The five yamas, known as the “Great Vow,” are a prescription for managing the exuberance of our survival instincts, and support a peaceful life. The five observances nurture and further support harmony in body and mind, and strengthen our connection to meaning and purpose. In this series explore how observing the yamas and niyamas can be relevant in your life and practice.

12-Part Series

Do the Yamas and Niyamas Really Matter?

As a beginning yoga student, I memorized the list of 10 yamas (restraints) and niyamas (observances) in the Yoga Sutra with about as much enthusiasm as I had for learning Christianity’s Ten Commandments 20 years...


Yamas and Niyamas in the Yoga Sutra

Students of yoga will no doubt encounter the concept of the Yamas and Niymas at some point on their spiritual journey, but how exactly do these ancient principles relate to our life and our practice...


Ahimsa: Overcoming Animosity

Ahimsa is often translated as non-violence, but a more detailed study of this foundational yama helps us to understand its true meaning: unconditional positive regard. Sandra Anderson explains how the intention behind our actions is...


Satya: Living with Reality

Satya, often translated as truthfulness, is the second of the yamas. Sandra Anderson explains why this discipline must always be firmly grounded in the principle of ahimsa—non-violence, and shares how the practice of satya can...


Brahmacharya: Living a Balanced Sensual Life

The fourth yama—Brahmacharya—is perhaps one of the most misunderstood concepts in yoga sadhana. In this practical talk, Sandra Anderson sheds light on the real-world application of Brahmacharya, and explains how we can use this approach...