Learn how to face your problems calmly and how to give your health the appropriate amount of attention.
Meditation and its companion practices constitute a healing art. They restore internal balance, remind us of our spiritual priorities, and offer a wide variety of techniques to help us regain our innate sense of hope and optimism. In this seminar, we will explore the fundamental concepts of sickness and health, and employ basic strategies that are meant to lead you back to the path of healing.
In this 9 hour digital course, you will:
- Ponder the healing strategies of meditation, and allow glimpses of yogic philosophy and psychology to inspire an optimistic spirit within you.
- Use the four elementary principles of ancient medicine as a means for healing.
- Recognize lifestyle habits that will support healing and help you prevent imbalances in your mind and body.
- Explore the role of prayer, music, and mantra in the healing process.
Course Content
About the Teacher
Rolf Sovik, PsyD
Senior Teacher of the Himalayan Institute, Rolf Sovik, PsyD, began his study of yoga and meditation in 1972. He is a student of H.H. Swami Rama and Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, and under their guidance has explored the teachings of the Himalayan tradition. He holds degrees in philosophy, music, Eastern Studies, and Clinical Psychology. He is currently...
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