Dinneen Viggiano
An experienced movement educator with over 15 years’ experience, Dinneen empowers students with therapeutic movement solutions as well as holistic nutrition and lifestyle therapies. She is a Senior Teacher Trainer for Yoga Tune Up® & The Roll Model®, a Level 2 NeuroKinetic Therapist, a CranioSacral Therapist and a Certified Nutrition Counselor who specializes in inflammation management.
Dinneen teaches trainings around the world and is a featured YTU teacher at Yoga Works, Equinox, The Himalayan Institute and Kripalu. Having successfully “recovered” from degenerative disc disease and spondylolisthesis, her passion is helping others to find back pain relief RetrainBackPain as well as advocating, educating and coaching for plant-based holistic living: link through to Phytolistic.
Twitter: @RetrainBackPain
Facebook: @retrainbackpain