Yoga, Meditation, & Wellness
Signature Programs
Yoga seminars, retreats, and professional certifications, taught by our world-class faculty, designed to bring you the best of an authentic yoga tradition.
Authentic Yoga Wisdom
World-Class Faculty
In-Person & Online
Join us for studies in the authentic teachings of yoga—including asana, meditation, mantra, tantra, sacred scripture, and the art of joyful living.

Himalayan Tradition
Our Teaching Mission
The essence of the Institute’s teaching mission flows from the timeless message of the Himalayan Masters. Their message is one of self realization—to first become aware of the reality within ourselves, and to build a bridge between our inner and outer worlds. This inner journey of self discovery has the capacity to grant us freedom from all fears, propel our transformation and empowerment, and lead us to the pinnacle of self-realization.
Authentic Yoga Wisdom
Explore Our World Class Programs & Certifications
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