Integrative Medicine


    30-90 Minutes



Integrative Medicine & Chiropractic

Modern medicine meets ancient wisdom.

Restore Your Balance Nourish Your Body Optimize Your Health

Achieve optimal health and healing with integrative care.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care

Treatments may involve gentle adjustments to the spine and extremities, diet recommendations, and suggestions for stress management.

  • Initial chiropractic evaluation
  • Follow up visits and adjustments
Chiropractic Care

Integrative Medicine

Integrative medicine emphasizes diet, exercise, and stress management to promote optimal health and healing.

  • Integrative Medical Evaluation
  • Integrative Telehealth Consultation

Your Health Matters

The Science of Vibrant Health

Our services and programs combine the best of traditional and modern medicine to help you achieve optimum health & healing. We are dedicated to supporting you on your quest to create a more vibrant and healthy life.

Wellness Menu

Details & Pricing

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care involves correcting misalignments in the spine and extremities which allows the nervous system to function optimally. Utilizing Applied Kinesiology, Dr. Michelle Head performs manual muscle testing to identify areas that need to be addressed. Treatments may involve gentle adjustments to the spine and extremities, diet recommendations, and suggestions for stress management.

Initial Evaluation: $125-155
Follow-up visits and adjustments: $45-55

Integrative Medical Services

Integrative medicine is a practice that reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person, is informed by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic approaches and healthcare professionals to achieve optimal health and healing.

Integrative Medical Evaluation

Integrative healthcare evaluates the whole person (body, energy, mind) and utilizes both modern medicine, and traditional systems to treat symptoms and diseases. It emphasizes the inherent capacity for each person to heal through lifestyle change, stress management and natural medicines. Our providers use herbs, supplements, homeopathy, diet, exercise, stress management, ayurveda and yoga practices to promote true healing. Telehealth consultations are available.

Pricing Schedule

Initial visit 90 minutes – $295
Follow-up visit 30 minutes – $110
Follow-up visit 45 minutes – $155
Follow-up visit 60 minutes – $210
Contact our office if you have questions or need to discuss payment arrangements.

Call us to schedule appointments: 570-647-1500
Email us to ask questions or get information: [email protected]

Contact Us

Allow our wellness center team to help you plan the perfect treatment plan or retreat.

Call us: 570-647-1500
Email us: [email protected]

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