Welcome to a Retreat that will change the course of your life, a simple yet profound method of achieving wellness of the body and mind.
Meditation in Motion, also known as Qigong, is an ancient practice developed over millennia for the purpose of increasing life force energy for healing. Qigong is a grounding practice that calms the nervous system as well as promotes free fluid movements and expansiveness. For people with health concerns as well as those who simply wish to increase their physical strength/stamina, personal energy, and inner calm, a Qigong practice could be the gift of a lifetime. Developed in Chinese monasteries, hospitals, and imperial courts, Qigong is one of the most profound medicines. Through a sequence of slow meditative movements coordinated with breath, Qigong is a simple method for healing and increasing vitality and longevity. Discover how these movements awaken Qi, the medicine within, to transform anxiety, stress, and disease into self-confidence, inner peace, and optimal health. Develop a daily self-care practice you can use for the rest of your life.
At this retreat you will learn the Nine Phases of Qi Mastery, a Qigong practice comprising nine steps that promotes profound healing benefits, as well as the practice of the Seven Precious Gestures, an Integral Qigong method developed by Qigong masters.
My intent is to inspire and guide you in your practice as you cultivate your inner medicine through these ancient practices that anyone can learn.