Replace the old you with a new and vibrant you! We all find ourselves physically fatigued, mentally disempowered, and spiritually empty, at least to some degree. Give yourself the gift of this workshop and retreat to recharge and renew. Learn the secret of tantric alchemy and use it to replenish your body with vitality and your mind with unshakable conviction. Mastering the art of living a vibrant, purposeful, and fulfilling life is the focal point of this retreat.
Major topics of discussion and practice include:
- The unique alchemy of our body, mind, and emotions
- The unique properties of select herbs and their application in conjunction with asana and pranayama
- The unique set of yogic practices to energize and rejuvenate the deeper systems of our body and to harmonize our nervous system
- The meditative technique for recapturing our scattered mind to make it focused, sharp, and assertive
- The contemplative technique for discovering our context for being here: what we are doing, where we are headed, and why
This retreat begins with a New Year’s Eve celebration including the recitation of mantras (prayers), kirtan (chanting), and akhanda japa (unbroken group meditation).
When registering for this retreat, choose (TA only) for Tantric Alchemy or (H & C / TA) to attend both Heal & Change and Tantric Alchemy!