It’s about the yoga. Yoga in community. Connection is the cure.
Heidi and Denise are taking you back to the Forrest Yoga weekend immersion format their own practices grew from. More importantly, we gather together to learn and share with each other. Yes, there will be abs, many abs, there will be wrist stretches, a standing series, over-the-roll, handstands, and arm balances. If you have never experienced Forrest Yoga, this is the perfect way to dive in. If you have, this is the weekend getaway you’ve been wanting.
4 Master classes in one weekend will cover all the bases. Friday night you create a core connection, getting centered and grounded with your breath. Saturday morning is heart opening and back bending. Saturday afternoon gets you upside down. And Sunday morning helps you defy gravity.
Through the carefully sequenced, building asana, first you’ll connect with yourself and then you’ll create a deeper connection to spirit.
Saturday and Sunday morning will include ceremony and meditation. Saturday afternoon will leave some time for questions and answers. These classes are sequenced specifically within a class and across days to take you and your practice to the next level!