Change is inevitable, but it’s often unexpected and has a tendency to turn our world upside down. Relationships end, careers shift, people pass on, dreams slip away—life brings transitions. For a while, we don’t recognize ourselves. The yogis see these times of transition in life as a spiritual opportunity; a time to remind ourselves that just as in nature, our lives go through cycles of birth and death. It is a vulnerable, yet potentially inspiring time, as the old gives rise to the new and we have the opportunity to emerge transformed and expanded.
Join Sarah Guglielmi for a weekend of meditation, yoga, self-reflection, and discussion. Whether you are in the middle of a life change or seeking an opportunity to reflect on the transformative process of change, this Year Long Meditation Retreat will allow you time and space for comprehensive self-inquiry.
Together, we will explore how ayurvedically-informed asana, meditation practice (abhyasa), non-attachment (vairagya), and trustful surrender (ishvara pranidhana) can move you out of struggle and confusion, and toward clarity and hope. These tools, along with concepts from ayurvedic yoga therapy, will be presented in the context of a life coaching roadmap that will allow you to see where you are in the cycle of change, and create a vision for the future.