Our Fall Women’s Retreat is always brimming with inspiration and connection. Retreaters return again and again to drink in the nourishment offered by this women’s gathering through the practices, the connections to others, the serenity of the land and space, and the ease of having prepared meals and freedom to create your experience.

A multi-level yoga practice will be offered each morning, a gentle yin or yoga nidra practice in the afternoon, and daily meditation. Practices will be followed by opportunities for writing and inquiry, and for those who desire, we will make time to circle and share. Also, we always make space to explore and play in nature!

Nothing is required. You choose how to spend your weekend.

The theme for our Fall retreat will be heart wisdom – that deep, intuitive wisdom that is our most trusted guide. Retreating is a sacred pause that opens a portal to this wisdom, and it is a beautiful opportunity for quiet self-care.

This retreat is open to all who identify as women.