Please join Abby and Marcia Ritter for a weekend of self-reflection and turning inward as you learn about the chakra system and the use of different meditative tools. During the weekend you’ll learn about these special wheels of energy (the chakras) and will be guided through cleansing asana and pranayama that will help to stoke your agni (inner fire) and burn away ama (toxins) on a physical, mental, and emotional level. We will also use supportive practices that will help to bring you balance on each of these levels as well. You will create your own mala (prayer beads) and learn how to use them as a centering tool. Rolf Sovik, president of the Himalayan Institute, will join us on Saturday afternoon in a discussion called “Mala and Meditation.”
You will learn what a labyrinth is and how it is used for self-reflection and as a meditative tool to bring inner peace. We will have a lot of time to spend walking the labyrinth where you can journal, use your mala, or just sit and turn inward. Saturday evening you will be led through a candle lit walk and meditation on the labyrinth—settling the mind and facilitating a journey deep within to find a sense of inner peace, transformation, and renewal. In closing, we will have a tour of the on-site chocolate and coffee company Moka Origins where you can sample and take a tasty treat for the road. We hope you will join us for this very special weekend of self-care and transformation.