Tantrics are clear—power is our birthright. Without power, knowledge takes us nowhere, practice bears no fruit, and the gifts of providence remain unprotected. Power is the game-changer. Rudra Yaga awakens this power, conferring on us the safety, security, and protection we need to live fully and fearlessly.
For ages, tantric masters have used the feminine power of Sri Vidya for inner prosperity and the masculine power of Rudra for inner protection. The intertwining of the two—Sri Vidya and Rudra—is the epitome of tantric power and wisdom. In these study and practice intensives, our focus is on Rudra. The reason? Masculine energy has gone haywire. It needs to be understood correctly. It has to be awakened purposefully and employed wisely. That is Rudra Yaga.
Rudra Yaga is for protecting what we own—our body, mind, willpower, determination, self-trust, self-respect, self-confidence, retentive power, and power of discernment. It is for conquering our inner enemies, which turn our friends, families, and loved ones into adversaries. Rudra Yaga is for shaking off our inertia and churning the pool of pranic elixir, thus filling our body and mind once again with the vitality of youthfulness.
The Study Intensive will focus on the in-depth study of the first 16 mantras of Shata Rudriya—a cluster of mantras that constitute the core of Rudra Yaga. These 16 mantras are the counterparts of the 16 mantras of Sri Sukta—the first focusing on the masculine Rudra, and the second on the feminine Sri Vidya.
The Practice Intensive is an opportunity to apply what we learned in the Study Intensive. We will invoke and awaken the sacred fire (Jatavedas agni), invoke the forces of nature, align them with the forces of the rudra shaktis, and finally invoke the rudra shaktis for the protection of our mind and the beautiful world we have inherited.
Special Features include a comprehensive study of:
- Awakening the sacred fire with multi-tiered techniques—from the simplest to the most elaborate
- Consecrating the fire, invoking the seven tongues of the fire, mantrically assigning a particular tongue to take a leading role in the ritual
- Transforming the sacred fire as a locus for all the forces of nature, our mind, mantras, and the divinities corresponding to those mantras
- Meditating on the sacred fire, in the yogic way, and the process of internalizing the ritual
- Identifying our unique entry point to the vast fortress of Rudra Yaga to bring a change in our personal and interpersonal lives
- Decoding the secret of the wedding of Shakti and Shiva, the union of Sri Vidya and Rudra, and earning the privilege of participating in this ceremony
Register for the Study Intensive only: $399 (May 25–May 28)
Register for the Practice Intensive only: $399 (May 28–June 1)