This series includes 3 special programs with Panditji and Ishan Tigunait. Take all parts together for the full Self-Mastery experience.
The practice of Vishoka Meditation reveals a living experience which can illuminate and enrich the breadth of our life—from our yoga practice and personal wellness, to our lifestyle and worldview. Unlocking this potential requires that we study and practice the broader system of Vishoka Meditation, integrating a range of related practices and source wisdom.
The Vishoka Meditation Level 1 Self-Mastery Series is practice-driven, and designed specifically for students who have already completed the Vishoka Meditation Course, to help you take the next step on your journey of Vishoka Meditation.
This 3-part series with Panditji and Ishan Tigunait is spread across 6 months, and is a combination of intensive immersion over a short period of time and progressive study and practice, so you can assimilate these teachings into your life and practice.
In the Vishoka Meditation Self-Mastery Series you will:
- Refine and expand your practice by:
- Deepening your Vishoka Meditation practice through greater proficiency in pranic awareness.
- Preparing you for advanced Vishoka Meditation offerings (this series will be a prerequisite for Vishoka Meditation Level 2 offerings coming in 2023)
- Learning how to apply Vishoka Meditation and pranic absorption to enrich your practice of yoga: asana, pranayama, relaxation/yoga nidra.
- Bring the benefits of Vishoka Meditation into your daily life through Vishoka Meditation-inspired self-reflection and worldview
- Dive into the source wisdom of the Vishoka Meditation system to help you understand how Vishoka Meditation works, and how to further optimize your practice
Note: Parts 1 and 2 of the Self-Mastery Series are required prerequisites for the 3rd part.
Recommended Reading (Course Textbooks):
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