Divinity is within us all. Join Christine this weekend as we explore the eight limbs of yoga, and how applying them to our modern lives allows us to uncover our own divine light.
We live in a fast moving world. Often times we become depleted feeling overworked, overstimulated, overstressed and overwhelmed. Let’s explore how the science of yoga can calm the body and mind, bring balance to everyday life, and bring about pure joy.
Come have a peaceful and relaxing weekend with us enjoying asana classes, pranayama and meditation practices, connection with nature, and new friends.
During this weekend you will:
- Relax, unwind, and unplug
- Explore asana, pranayama, and meditation
- Find a daily routine that allows you to manage your time
- Learn from ancient texts
You must register and purchase your pass to secure your spot. Space will be limited.
Accommodations for your stay must be made through the Himalayan Institute.